Monday, May 5, 2008

The Perfect Retirement Business

The Perfect Retirement Business

This is for all of you retirees, soon to be retirees, wanna be retirees...

I know even before we retired I was looking for a way to
make some extra income on the Internet. I think most of us
now are not ready to just sit in the rocking chair on the porch,
move to Florida, play golf or bridge all day and so on.
Most of us still want to be productive and even bring
in some income. And a lot of us dream of traveling as well.
Some, like my husband find a great deal of satisfaction in
volunteer work. But others want something else.
I know this was true of me. We like a challenge,
something to engage our minds, something to keep us active.

Well, I have found the Perfect Home Business!
With this business we can fulfill our dreams of travel...
at a bargain price. And when we share it with others
we can make a lot of money! Best of all there is great
residual income, so that when we're ready to slow down
it will be there for us.

While you earn a great income during retirement with
Global Resorts Network... you can enjoy your retirement
and still keep bringing in money and be financially free!
With the Perpetual Leverage Compensation Plan of
Global Resorts Network the money will keep coming in
and you can enjoy the finer things in life as you slow things down.

Or if you have yet to retire, you can retire wealthy with
this profitable home based business. Discover how GRN
can make you wealthy far beyond anything you ever
thought possible!

Global Resorts Network offers Vacation Membership Packages...
after your ONE Time cost you become a member and can choose
from over 5000 Luxury Resorts all over the World at a cost starting
at under $300 for a full week. Many of these packages are purchased
by people who just want the bargain travel options and are not
interested in the business opportunity.

The company behind GRN has been in business for over 20 years,
selling these packages for much more. Global Resorts Network
has the license to distribute these memberships on the Internet
for a greatly reduced price. Many Internet businesses have products
that are not really worth the cost, so be careful. That's why I like GRN...
I would have bought the membership package for the bargain luxury
resorts, even without the income opportunity.

But a lot of us chose the opportunity to earn an income with a
business that is considered the premier business on the Internet
and the best compensation plan in any home based opportunity
out there.

Since GRN is considered the best business on the Internet,
there have been several marketing systems developed...
so you want to be careful when you choose a team to join with.
I've tested several of them, looked at more, and have found
what I consider to be the best of all.

Some of the things you want to be sure are included with
your Marketing System are:

Training...Continuous, on going training,
one of the most important features.
We all need some help to get started with Marketing.
Even if you have Internet marketing experience things
are always changing on the internet. Guidance and ideas
from Internet Marketing Experts are always helpful.
This is not available with most the systems...some
offer very little practical training in various marketing options.
Some systems just tell you place ads all matter what
the cost, some just say to buy expensive leads and call them.
The best system will give you options and teach you about all
the different ways to market online and you can do what
you think will be best for you.

Automated Features....your own websites that guide
a prospect through the process of getting information
to do their due diligence, and provides all of the information
necessary know exactly what they would be getting.
Again some charge a fee before one can even find out
what the product is. And a choice of page designs that
reflects you, not just one website with an Internet guru
on a beach or with a fancy car and house.

Call Center Option...A good system should offer a way
for people to get their questions answered even if you are
not available to answer the phone. You might be on the
beach at a Luxury Resort in the Caribbean!

And Last, but not Least...a Team and mentor
who is dedicated to your success, as well as their own....
that will be there for you to guide and help as you develop
your Perfect Retirement Business. Even if you are totally
new to the Internet and Internet Business we will be here
for you... and answer your question, "Who will be there to
show me the way?" I will be here for you...I've been
marketing on the Internet for over 10 years and have
certainly learned a of my goals is to help people
enjoy their retirement as much as we are.

So I was delighted when I finally found a System that
had all of these features...and more...see and be sure to visit

Friday, April 18, 2008

Comparing Global Resorts Network | GRN Marketing Systems

If you read my previous post, you know that I joined
Global Resorts Network, but then my sponsor was no
longer available. And I started looking to what was
available for marketing. As you probably know,
a good system is essential for effective marketing.
And although GRN has a beautiful website, it is not
designed for marketing. It does a great job of explaining
Global Resorts Network and the Perpetual Leverage Pay Plan.

At first the only systems I found were GRN System
and GRN Biz Builder. GRN System has a very attractive
website with some nice options, so I signed up for it.
It costs about $30 a month. But they didn't really give
people training on how to market and emphasised buying
leads and calling them. And the GRN Biz Builder was
similar for $35 a month. In this day of Web 2.0 buying leads
and calling them seems a bit out of date...and not something
that many people are interested in doing.

Then I kept hearing about the Reverse Funnel System...
and although they don't tell you upfront, it is a marketing
system for GRN. It's a very good automatic system,
but is expensive....$300 a month. So I thought I'd take
a good look at it. It costs prospects $50 just to apply and
find out what the system is promoting. But they didn't really
provide people with much training on Internet Marketing.
Just said to place a lot of banner ads all over the Internet....
which can get pretty costly. There were also expensive
leads one could buy as well. So, although they said people
didn't need any Internet marketing experience, it was
difficult for newbies to get started. I made a few sales
with the system, but new people really struggle.
I had a lot of optins, but most balked at paying $50
just to find out more.

Two more systems popped up....GRNTeamBuilder at
$80 a month and GlobalProBuilder, $40-70 a month.
They are both viable systems, but again, offer little by
the way of training. But one advantage...they do allow
for some personal branding. One gives away an ebook
and the other asks for $30 to buy a Decision Pack with
a book, CDs and letter about the member. One offers a
co-op for marketing and the other suggests buying
their leads.

The problem I saw about all of these systems is that
they don't give much training on Internet Marketing today.
Which is obviously the most important thing if one is to be
successful with an Internet Business. There are many ways
now days to generate your own leads. So I was excited when
I found the solution. And this will save you all of the testing
of various systems....a new system was developed which
solves all the problems.

You can see that the best way to get started with GRN is to join a
Team or Mentoring System. And this is the BIGGEST CHOICE
you'll make when deciding to start you own Global Resort Network

So how do you decide? What are the objectives of joining a team
and being a member of the RIGHT team.

Probably the most important thing to consider when joining a
team is what they have to offer you in TRAINING. If you do not
know how to market on the Internet with the latest techniques
you probably will not be successful. As you may know, 95% fail
and lack of marketing knowledge is usually why that happens.

Look for LIVE training on a regular basis from Industry Leaders,
Top Earners, Internet Marketing Gurus, as well as Sales
Professionals and SEO specialists.

Another determining factor should be LIVE Technical Support.
No matter how easy a process on a computer should be,
when dealing with computers, things come up.

Another HUGE thing to consider... does the system or team
offer LIVE SALES CALL Support? If you wish a Professional
Sales Center can be earning you money by closing your sales.
THIS IS HUGE if you don't have sales experience or if you're
just not that comfortable on the phone with people.

Another important thing to look for in a system or Team is a
Landing Page for both business builders and consumer buyers.
There is a huge market in this side of this business as well.

I hope this has helped you make your choices for the Best
Global Resorts Network Team or System to turn you and
your business into a success.

You can learn more about this powerful Global Resorts
Network System to success at the following URL:

Audrey Ledgerwood
Questions? 740-931-1670

PS I'd love to help you discover your potential.
My goal is to help others discover the joys of
early retirement, with time to travel and enjoy
life...I'm here to help.

What I Discovered About Global Resorts Network

I've been involved in Internet Businesses for quite a few years....
even before we retired. We were fortunate to be able to retire early,
thanks in part to the Internet. I've had success with some programs,
as well as paying my dues and acquiring an expensive education
with unsuccessful programs. But I've certainly learned a lot.
And one of the most important things I've learned is that things
are constantly changing on the Internet. What worked last year
might not work this year or a new strategy will work better
(more on this later).

A real business with a real quality product, that is worth the cost,
is important to me. Although, I confess I've gotten caught up in
a few "money games" and questionable programs along the way.

Anyway, last year my main business company was going down,
although I was still working it. I started looking to see what else
was out there. I saw several programs selling ebooks and software
for a hefty price...many of them were available for free or a low
cost if one searched. And other programs with good products
that were over-priced. And some other programs with some
good products, but hard to understand and explain to justify
the cost. Many now days are 1 or 2-up programs, where you
just make money on your sales with no opportunity for residual
income. And a lot were probably good programs, but were not
capable of producing a great income without recruiting tons of
people into a matrix.

And then I was introduced to Global Resorts Network by
my sponsor in a couple of previous programs. When I saw
it and studied the product, I was thrilled. We love to travel
and own a couple of timeshare weeks and enjoy staying in
luxury resort condos. It's so much nicer than just a hotel room.
But time shares can be frustrating. It can be hard to exchange
for when and where you want to travel. And the fees keep going
up...there are maintenance fees, exchange fees and subscription
fees, plus the initial cost of buying a week...which can be tens of
thousands. We pay over $1000 a year in these fees. So when
I saw the GRN Platinum Lifetime membership for only $3000,
I was excited. We could get rid of our timeshare weeks and not
have to pay all of the fees. And with the Global Resorts Network
membership, now we pay only for what we actually low
as $298 for a full week in a luxury resort condo!

So I jumped right in and bought a GRN Platinum membership...
it's for our lifetime and we can even leave it to our kids!

At first, I didn't do much with the business opportunity side of
GRN. I was still focused on another program. But then it bit
the dust...and I took another look at Global Resorts Network.
I discovered that the GRN Pay Plan, Perpetual Leverage, is really
exceptional. You earn $1000 commissions on your sales, PLUS
$1000 override commissions on your team member you
have true residual income. Just 5 members on your team, each making
a sale or two a week, can bring in 6 figures! This is so much better
than the 1 and 2-Up programs, where you have to keep selling if
you want income. Plus the travel industry is one of the largest.
Every one loves to travel to interesting placesand stay in luxury resorts.

So it was a no brainer to really get going with Global Resorts Network.
But by then my sponsor had disappeared :- ( So now what?

I discovered there are several marketing systems available.
It's interesting that this is probably the only Internet Business
where so many marketing systems have been developed.
I believe it indicates that a lot of people are really seeing the
exceptional value and potential for enormous incomes.
Many Internet leaders and gurus are forming their own
system for marketing Global Resorts Network.

So my next step was to look at the various marketing sytems....
and join them so that I could make a true comparison.

My next post I'll tell you about my experience with the GRN
Marketing Systems and how they compare.

Audrey Ledgerwood
Questions? 740-931-1670

PS I'd love to help you discover your potential.
My goal is to help others discover the joys of
early retirement, with time to travel and enjoy
life...I'm here to help.